
mo4ch:>Real ladies don’t lick ice cream, Istanbul municipality says in etiquette course | Mo4ch News

A Turkish municipality caused quite a debate on social media when its ‘manners course’ told young women that ladies shouldn’t lick ice cream in Istanbul. Critics found the advice plain weird and said it hurts women’s freedom.Istanbul’s Bagcilar municipality launched a two-month etiquette course for young women, local media reported. The lectures, provided in the municipal youth center, will teach good manners and how to behave in public, the organizers explained.Parts of the ‘How to be an Istanbul lady?’ course are fairly common for traditional etiquette. Women are taught to be polite, how to use cutlery, and not to talk with their mouths full.But one particular piece of advice triggered debate on Turkish social media. The ‘ladies guide’ says that women shouldn’t “lick ice cream.” The reports didn’t specify why enjoying a popsicle or an ice cream cone was deemed unladylike, but the tip itself was blasted as strange and “dumb.” Commenters wrote that they were surprised that someone wou…