
mo4ch:>'One of the biggest black eyes in DEA history': Star agent made millions from drug traffickers | Mo4ch News

A top Drug Enforcement Agency agent laundered millions in drug money and hosted wild parties with prostitutes, according to law enforcement officials who fear he may have permanently compromised the DEA's undercover Colombian ops.Jose Irizarry, once praised for his high-profile drug busts, laundered over $7 million in cocaine cash, collaborating with a long-time DEA informant to skim plenty for himself off the top, five current and former law enforcement officials not authorized to speak about an ongoing investigation told the AP. The officials revealed that Irizarry is the unnamed "co-conspirator 3" in a federal case against DEA informant Gustavo Yabrudi, a dual Venezuelan-American citizen who pleaded guilty to money laundering in Tampa, Florida last September.Irizarry spent lavishly, throwing wild parties on yachts with prostitutes – parties attended by his fellow DEA agents, a practice the agency banned after an embarrassing 2015 Department of Justice Inspector Genera…