
mo4ch:>March for Life declares victory as media downplay it despite VP visit | Mo4ch News

The March for Life, a yearly protest against abortion, claims it brought over 100,000 supporters to DC, though mainstream outlets reported a fraction of that turnout even as the Vice President graced the march with his presence.Vice President Mike Pence personally addressed the throngs of marchers, praising the "most pro-life president in American history" for nominating conservative judges to the Supreme Court. Claiming the pro-life crowd had made progress winning Americans' "hearts and minds," he announced that "This will be the generation that restores the right to life in America." Trump addressed the crowd in a video touting his victories against abortion, including reinstating the so-called "Mexico City Policy" to ban aid to groups that "support or promote abortion around the world." He also sent a letter to Congress warning them he would veto any legislation loosening restrictions on abortion rights or "that encourages …