
mo4ch:>Januhairy: Women are letting their body hair grow and it’s sparking social media showdowns | Mo4ch News

A movement to get women to ditch tending to their body hair for the month of January is proving to be, yet another, social media flashpoint.The campaign was kicked off by 21-year-old university student Laura Jackson who, in the spirit of Movember, is using it to raise money for a body-positive education program.“When I first started growing my body hair my mum asked me ‘Is it you just being lazy or are you trying to prove a point?’” Jackson wrote on Instagram. “Why should we be called lazy if we don’t want to shave?”Januhairy’s Facebook page adds a bit more detail on the philosophical underpinnings of the charity drive: “Society seems to be behaving as if the natural hair we grow on our bodies is unattractive and distasteful. We are so used to removing our body hair that we are becoming unfamiliar with our authentic selves,” it says.Participants had one last shave on New Year’s Eve and they plan to forego wax and razors until February. Women from around the world have also gotten on b…