
mo4ch:>Israel accused of ruining Palestinian crops by spraying pesticides along Gaza border (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News

Published time: 11 Jan, 2019 13:24Human rights groups have called on Israel to stop spraying herbicides along the Gaza border – a practice that is blamed for destroying Palestinian crops and causing health problems. RT spoke with a farmer affected by the policy.Dubbed “farm warfare” by critics, Israeli authorities insist that they only spray Israeli crops with herbicides, but Palestinian farmers dispute this claim. Others have suggested that winds carry the dangerous chemicals, including glyphosate (which has been banned in many countries due to fears that it causes cancer), across the Gaza border into Palestinian territory. The latest case of “farm warfare” reportedly took place in December.Also on rt.comIsrael to seek $250bn from Arab countries that expelled Jews to ‘restore their rightful property’Ahmed Badawi, a Palestinian farmer, told RT that his crops have been repeatedly contaminated and ruined by the uninvited herbicide sprayings.“We don’t know what to do. It’s the same thing…