
mo4ch:>Inspiring men's best or presuming their guilt? Gillette's 'toxic masculinity' ad sparks debate on RT | Mo4ch News

Published time: 16 Jan, 2019 14:01A new ad by razor company Gillette has sparked massive backlash – some saying it presents stereotypes about men that suggest they are evil by nature, while others claim it shows them how to change for the best. '), link: "http://bit.ly/2srI5qE" }, events: { onReady: function () { if(ga) { ga('send', 'event', 'JWPLAYER-GA', 'CLICK PLAY', location.href); ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Article', 'Ready', location.href); // Временно эти дублирующие счетчики остаются } }, onPlay: function () { myStreamingTag.playVideoContentPart(metadata); if (ga) { ga('send', 'event', 'JWPLAYER-GA', 'CLICK PLAY', location.href); ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Article', 'Play', location.href); } var playingVideoId = 'js-mediaplayer-5c3f0f44fc7e93924e8b463c'; // id текущего плеера pauseMedia(playingVideoId); //запускаем функци…