
mo4ch:>Dozens of decapitated skeletons unearthed in mysterious ancient cemetery (PHOTOS) | Mo4ch News

A cemetery dating back to the 4th century has been uncovered by archaeologists in Suffolk, England, revealing 52 incredibly well-preserved skeletons, many of which had been decapitated.The dig at the Roman-era cemetery revealed many disembodied skeletons, buried with their heads carefully placed between their legs or feet. Some of the remains were merely skulls, buried without corresponding bodies. In all, only 17 of the 52 bodies of men, women and children were buried in the standard lying position.Read more Archeologists believe the deceased were not decapitated before death, but after. The heads appear to have been very carefully removed by a clean cut from the front just behind the jaw, unlike the violent, low cuts seen in ancient executions.Most of the deceased lived until they were middle aged or older, although there was one small child and two other children aged about nine or 10. The majority of those buried at the site had very well-built upper bodies, suggesting they worked …