
mo4ch:>Data hog: Surgery performed on pig via 5G some 30 miles away | Mo4ch News

A surgeon in China has successfully conducted the world’s first remote operation carried out via a 5G network, paving the way for major advances in the field of telemedicine and providing hope for future disaster response.Using two robotic arms, Liu Rong, director of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology of Beijing 301 Hospital, removed sections of a pig’s liver in an operating theater about 50km (30 miles) away.Also on rt.comSurgeon fined $3,000 for removing woman’s healthy kidney that he’d believed was a tumorA piece of the pig’s hepatic lobule from its liver was successfully removed in the roughly one-hour-long surgical procedure. The wounds were neat and the bleeding minimal, and the pig’s condition was described as stable, according to Chinesemediareports.The incredible op is yet another landmark in the nascent field of telemedicine. The January 8 procedure was not the world’s first remote-controlled operation, that honor went to the transatlantic Lindbergh Oper…