
mo4ch:>Bubonic plague found in Wyoming cat, 3rd such infection in 6 months | Mo4ch News

A domesticated cat has become the third feline in six months to be infected with bubonic plague in Wyoming in the Western US.The cat was known to wander the area near its home and, when it showed worrying symptoms, samples were sent for testing. Bubonic plague infection was confirmed by the lab at the University of Wyoming shortly thereafter.The cat fully recovered from the infection, according to a spokesperson for the Wyoming Department of Health, and with modern antibiotics and treatment, plague infections pose no major threat – certainly nothing close to the ‘Black Death’ which wiped out millions of people during the Middle Ages.There have been a total of six human infections with bubonic plague in Wyoming since 1978, the most recent of which was in 2008, while roughly seven people per year contract the plague in the US overall. Significantly more cases of bubonic plague occur in parts of Africa and Asia.Also on rt.comBubonic plague found on Arizona fleas, locals warned to 'ta…