
mo4ch:>Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston in hot water over disabled role in ‘The Intouchables’ remake | Mo4ch News

Actor Bryan Cranston is facing a social media backlash for playing a disabled character in his latest movie because he is not actually disabled – a casting decision which some people have found highly problematic.Cranston, best known for his role in Breaking Bad, plays a quadriplegic billionaire in his new movie ‘The Upside’ – a Hollywood remake of the 2011 French film ‘The Intouchables.’ The casting of Cranston as a disabled character has ignited passionate social media debate, however.While some are claiming that choosing an able-bodied actor deprives actors who are really disabled of opportunities, others say that Cranston was chosen for his top-notch acting ability and was therefore the right person for the role.On Twitter, some pointed out that the “only” roles disabled actors could be considered for those portraying disabled people and therefore they should be the ones getting those roles.Others argued that Cranston’s proven acting chops are likely the reason he was chosen – not…