
mo4ch:>Arizona cops collect clinic staff DNA in hunt for father of comatose woman’s baby | Mo4ch News

Police are rounding up the DNA of all male employees of the Arizona healthcare facility where an Apache woman who spent the last 14 years in a vegetative state recently gave birth to a healthy boy.Phoenix Police served a DNA warrant on all male employees of Hacienda Healthcare in their hunt for the father of a boy born last month to a 29-year-old Apache woman in a vegetative state. Also on rt.comWoman in vegetative state suddenly gives birth, sparking sex abuse investigationThe baby boy has been born into a loving family and will be well cared for,” said John Micheaels, a lawyer retained by the woman’s family, adding that they were not “emotionally ready to make a public statement.” The family obviously is outraged, traumatized and in shock by the abuse and neglect of their daughter at Hacienda Healthcare.The San Carlos Apache Tribe also released a statement on Tuesday upon learning the woman’s identity. “It is my hope that justice will be served,” said tribal chairman Terry Rambler,…