
mo4ch:>Activists face jail time & $500 fine for dropping supplies to migrants in wildlife refuge | Mo4ch News

A US federal judge has found four volunteers with a local aid group guilty of petty offenses after they entered a wildlife refuge without a permit to leave food and water for illegal migrants seeking to cross the US-Mexico border.The case dates back to August 2017, when four women with the ‘No More Deaths’ NGO drove into the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Arizona and left behind one-gallon water jugs and cans of beans. One of the activists, Natalie Hoffman, who was behind the wheel, was charged for having a vehicle inside the park, as well as entering without a permit and abandoning personal property there.Her three co-defendants were found guilty of two similar charges. “The Defendants did not get an access permit, they did not remain on the designated roads, and they left water, food, and crates in the Refuge,” US Magistrate Judge Bernardo Velasco wrote in his decision on Friday. That, according to the ruling, violates the law and “erodes the national decisio…