
mo4ch:>UK-funded psyop, war-torn Yemen & Bush’s criminal legacy: John Pilger looks back at 2018 | Mo4ch News

Journalist John Pilger has recapped major events and crises that unfolded across the globe this year in an interview to RT.The recent emerging scandal around the shadowy UK government-funded Integrity Initiative (II) exposed by hackers has been hitting the headlines over the past month. Commenting on their motto which is ‘Defending Democracy against Disinformation’ Pilger said: “I would say ‘satire’ but it isn't satire.”Also on rt.comIntegrity Initiative is the biggest story of 2018 – but not because of anything it did“It's been dug from a hole marked Cold War. It sounds like 1950,” the investigative journalist told RT's Going Underground, apparently referring to the notorious CIA-led Operation Mockingbird which pursued similar aims.“But it's sort of more serious now because it does tell us where so much journalism has gone,” he added.Posed as a charity fighting disinformation, the Integrity Initiative has been revealed to be conducting secret influence campaigns acros…