
mo4ch:>'The whole world needs us:' Netanyahu says IDF 'the only army fighting Iranians' | Mo4ch News

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu boasted of Israel's success in countering the "Iranian threat" by targeting Iran-backed Hezbollah, foiling terrorist plots worldwide and impeding Tehran's weapons access.Speaking at a Jerusalem business conference on Wednesday, Netanyahu dived into his favorite topic – the imminent threat Iran supposedly poses to the Jewish state's existence, and offering spirited praise of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)."The IDF is the only army fighting the Iranians in the world and, so far, we have had significant success," the PM said.Although Israel’s military is not engaged in any direct confrontation with Iran (yet), it has repeatedly pounded Syria with rocket fire claiming to be targeting pro-Iran militias and Iranian troops. One of their targets is Hezbollah, a Shia militant group backed by the Iranian government.Also on rt.comIsrael developing ‘offensive missiles’ that can reach ‘anywhere’ in the Middle East – NetanyahuIsraeli of…