
mo4ch:>Santx could be coming to town: Poll shows support for gender-neutral version of St. Nick (POLL) | Mo4ch News

Companies are always looking for new ways to corner the Christmas market but one design firm has courted an often controversial topic: “What if Father Christmas was rebranded for today?”In a multinational survey, Graphic Springs, put the question to 400 members of the public in the US and asked, if Saint Nick was given a modern makeover, what would the merry Christmas icon look like? This initial sample group gave suggestions on which 4,000 people then voted with some surprising results.11 percent of respondents believe Santa should be a woman while 17 percent would rather a  gender neutral Christmas character.However, 72 percent were still in favor of keeping Santa as a man.Among other popular suggestions were: a change in outfit, from boots to sneakers (25 percent); the addition of some tattoos (20 percent); or even giving the poor reindeers a rest and opting for either a hoverboard (17 percent) or a flying car (22 percent) instead.For such an inclusive and PC list, an element of fa…