
mo4ch:>Jailed Catalan leaders go on hunger strike in protest of Madrid hampering European court appeal | Mo4ch News

Two leaders of Catalonia’s pro-independence movement jailed by Spain are going on a hunger strike over what they see as Madrid violating their right to turn to European courts for protection through red tape.In a joint statement released on Saturday, Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Turull, who have been kept in pre-trial detention over their roles in organizing a referendum of Catalan independence last year, accused the Spanish Constitutional Court of failing to review their appeals in due time. The court accepted all their complaints, but is not reviewing them. One appeal has been without an answer for over a year now, they said.This red tape legally prevents them from turning to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg for protection, which they could have done if their appeal was rejected from the start or after a deliberation, they said.“We do not ask the Constitutional Court for any treatment of favor. But we do not passively accept any discrimination or unwarranted procrastinati…