
mo4ch:>Alexa, what’s my neighbor doing? ‘Human error’ allows user to eavesdrop on stranger’s life | Mo4ch News

A German Amazon customer was able to access hours of audio files from a stranger's Alexa device that included recordings of him in the shower thanks to a "mistake" by one of Amazon's human employees.Amazon sent the customer a link that included 1,700 recordings of another man and his female companion when he asked to play back the recordings from his own Alexa voice assistant.Read more He reported the anomaly to Amazon, but the company did not immediately reply, except to delete the files. By then, he had already downloaded them. After weeks of no response from Amazon, the customer notified German trade publication c't, worried the company would just cover up the incident otherwise.Using the information contained in the recordings, which included their first and last name, the name of their partner, where they lived – even audio of the person in the shower – c't was able to locate and contact the victim, who was more than a little surprised to hear from them. …