
mo4ch:>Air traffic out of control: Gatwick caught short by drones over the runway | Mo4ch News

Great news for anyone worried that Brexit was making Britain a laughing stock: because now a couple of drones have shut the country’s second busiest airport for almost a day, which means everyone is laughing about that instead.Gatwick airport has, at the time of writing, been shut for almost a day because drones are being flown over the runway. Is this the aviation version of the classic excuse given for trains being canceled? Is ‘drones over the runway’ the new ‘leaves on the line’?There are some critics out there suggesting that perhaps airports should be able to deal with this issue a little quicker than a day, especially as the authorities have already said they don’t believe it is terrorist related. If it turns out to be a young boy trying out an early Christmas present related instead then there are going to be some extremely red faces.Also on rt.comLondon’s Gatwick airport shut down over drone sightingAm I the only one confused that air traffic control can track a Boeing 747 fl…