
mo4ch:>Ukraine’s far-right mob use tear gas, assault transgender parade in Kiev (PHOTO, VIDEO) | Mo4ch News

Ultra-nationalist mobsters thwarted a transgender parade in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, spraying tear gas at participants and brawling with riot police who apparently failed to protect the gathering, local media reported.Ukrainian LGBT activists planned to march through downtown Kiev on Sunday, but the event – intended to commemorate transgender victims of hate crime – never took place. As people began to gather outside one of the city’s metro stations, they were confronted by far-right radicals, who had previously threatened to target the parade.At one point, a nationalist mobster used pepper spray on the LGBT crowd, injuring two people, according to local media.The standoff became more violent when the radicals began throwing smoke bombs at the activists. The attackers were also heard yelling nationalist slogans such as “Glory to the nation, death to the enemies,” and “Ukraine above all.”There was a large police presence at the event, but when the situation became more tense, the se…