
mo4ch:>Alleged woman-beater Avenatti gets hit with restraining order – report | Mo4ch News

Still protesting his innocence after he was arrested on felony domestic violence charges last week, lawyer Michael Avenatti is reportedly being served with a restraining order by his alleged victim, whose name is finally public.Estonian-born actress Mareli Miniutti filed for a domestic violence restraining order against the scenery-chewing lawyer in Los Angeles on Monday. The mystery woman, initially believed to be Avenatti's ex-wife Lisa Storie-Avenatti when news broke of his arrest, is now being named by The Blast, which obtained court documents on the restraining order. A hearing on the order will take place next month.Shortly after the Blast story was published, Avenatti tweeted to maintain his innocence, calling any claims of domestic violence committed by him "bogus and fabricated."While he initially yelled "she hit me first!" as cops arrested him at his apartment building last Wednesday, Avenatti had changed his story by the time he was released from pol…