
mo4ch:>Grassroots or ‘astroturf’? Who’s really behind the anti-Brexit group ‘Our Future Our Choice’ | Mo4ch News

Pro-EU group 'Our Future Our Choice', who confronted Jeremy Corbyn with a huge ‘stop backing brexit’ banner during his speech at the recent Labour Live event, is accused of having links with ex-Tory ministers and big cash donors.

Our Future Our Choice (OFOC) pertain to be the grassroots voice for young people and their objective is to help secure a ‘people's vote’ on the final terms of the Brexit deal. However, questions are being asked by prominent left winger commentators such as Novara Media’s Aaron Bastani and journalist and author Paul Mason as to who exactly is driving their campaign.In addition, some political commentators on the left are questioning why OFOC seem to be focussing on attacking the Labour leadership instead of Tory remainers that have failed to ‘rebel’ thus far on key Brexit votes.The four founding members of OFOC, co-presidents Lara Spirit and Will Dry, and the group’s spokesmen Femi Oluwole and Calum Millbank-Murphy, are all registered as dir…