
As May picks the NHS over defence, is the UK government really worried about Russia?

Theresa May’s insistence that the MoD keeps costs low in favor of pumping more cash into the NHS shows the government is more concerned about getting votes at home than a looming threat of war with Russia you hear so much about.

You’ve got to hand it to Gavin Williamson though, he did his best. Since being promoted from chief whip of the Conservative Party to running the Ministry of Defence last November, he’s been busy scaring the British public into believing they could go to war with a nefarious Russia at any moment.On Tuesday, a tense meeting with the prime minister and chancellor saw the defence secretary told that there would be no extra funding provided by the treasury to plug a potential £20 billion funding hole in the department.Tough decisions will have to be made.
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Taking to the pages of The Times on Thursday in an article entitled ‘Nato members can’t rely on the US to pick up the bill,’ he talked about the importance of the UK’s current role in deployments in…